Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Making Friends

I've already received comments on my blog from three American transplants who have chosen to settle in Mexico. I hoped we'd find a nice sense of community in Mexico - cherished personal connections. Before deciding to move ourselves we were told we'd make many friends. We just never expected to start making them before we even set foot in Mexico.

I'm excited to know someone besides my mother is reading the blog. It was originally Allan's idea as a way to keep friends and family in the loop as we travel. Now I'm finding it's becoming a great resource for us: as a journal that we can look back on and cherish and as a source of advice from travelers who have made similar journeys.

Since my last post we've gotten Mexican car insurance for a fraction of what it costs in the states for similar coverage. We also received a link to a great website for dog friendly Mexican hotels (http://gringodog.home.comcast.net/) thanks to Nancy in Mazatlan and advice to cross the border in Brownsville, Texas rather than Laredo, TX thanks to Isla Gringo.

As usual I appreciate all advice given. My only problem is keeping it all straight! I've purchased about 12 books on moving to Mexico, but can't remember which one's I've read already. I finish one, go to read another, and then realize on page 10 that I've already read this one - or have I?

Playa del Carmen Condo and Villa Vacation Rentals


Nancy said...

You'll do fine! Relax and enjoy yourselves! You're on an adventure!

Anonymous said...

If I can do it, anyone can. You'll be fine...welcome to the madhouse that is the Latin American Bloggers group!

Brenda Maas said...

You will find lots of ex-pats, especially over where you are going.
Enjoy your trip down to your new life.

Theresa in Mèrida said...

I actually laughed out loud when I read that you bought 7 books, I bought 4 and read about 10 total. Then I read somewhere that the average person reads 3 books before they move to Mexico. So between us we account for why at least 4 people move here without ever doing any research at all.
I think that the People's Guide is one the best ones.

Mexico Living Guide said...

My wife and I moved to Mexico 3 years ago and we've never felt safer, had more friends or enjoyed life more.